
Help! Not sure about house room layout, especially location of kitchen

11 years ago
We're rebuilding our house, and I've just had the first draft of the house plan back from the architect. It's only a little house, and the crux of the matter is that the rooms are quite differently located to where I expected them to be. Complicating factors: we have a really fabulous view, but it is to the south (and we're in New Zealand, so this is the coldest direction). The kitchen has been placed between living & dining rooms, as a galley. I can't work out whether this is good or bad... but I can see that having morning sun coming into the dining room is great. I had expected living to be in the SW corner, dining SE with kitchen behind. Stairs (to one upstairs bedroom) seem to take up a lot of space. Houses here don't usually have basements, so storage is an issue as well. Layout attached... Any input gratefully received - I'm confused :)

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