
How do you BUDGET for your LANDSCAPE

Let me cover off on the subject of BUDGET and INVESTMENTassociated with designing your garden room.

o How should you know what to budget and how do you know if it is realistic to your wishes.

If only it was possible to make it like shopping at your local super market where the price is clear for whatever it is you are going to buy. We at Scenic BlueDesign work hard towards embracing this element as every design carry’s its own unique quirks.

You may say WHY ?.Well think of it this way. There is only you, your family in your house with the homes land. Your wishes and desires are unique because there is not another set of you, family in the exact house and land. So, you will see and appreciate why we say, ‘if only it was possible to make it like shopping’

It never ceases to amaze designers how a budget can be locked in with shaky tangible knowledge of how this number was reached against the wishes and land restrictions.

Many a time through various media platforms, it is portrayed that the garden is a weekend fix. In part this may be correct, but this has become imbedded within our psyche that garden design is quick and easy whatever the challenges.

We recently designed a garden that has a good land size and the back garden carried a level change of some 6m from top to bottom. This wasn’t the problem, the mental challenge that came about after the land was surveyed for the owner, was the land carries a sewer easement across the back garden along with a large piece of the land thought to theirs but actually belonged to crown land. Not a fun thing to find out after the event. If you buy a challenging block know there are elements such as retaining structures, drainage, land stability and poor access to be considered.

A positive investment is never quick and easy. If it was we would all be doing it. Our advice is become informed and be realistic. It is very disappointing to have a dream and actually find that it is not monetarily achievable through lack of knowledge.

o Landscaping to increase property value

We are going through a period of development where grants for new housing is attracting people to think of their dream home. But, we are finding that the garden room is being placed into the ‘well get to it’ category. It is appreciated that the home carries a build cost, but to maximise your investment, you should at least consider the design of the garden. So, when you do get around to the build of the garden, you know with confidence, you have considered the important elements for a successful garden so saving against unexpected costs that will impact the property value.

Another way of thinking about property value is through emotion. How many times have you been to a home and you feel at ease. Doesn’t mean the house is for sale but if you can achieve this emotion when your home is placed on the market, you will be surprisingly pleased to reap the rewards as the quantity of interested purchasers will be greater.

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