
Lorapetalums with problems

3 years ago

we planted 20 of these lorapetalum purple prince a few months ago.. a good number a thriving but we have 5 in a row that are really struggling.. leaves are more green than purple like the healthy ones... some leaves look burnt. they all get the same amount of watering with an automatic system. get afternoon sun only.. can anyone help please??

Comment (1)

  • julie herbert
    3 years ago

    These are my favourite plants and I have a lot throughout the garden, I would dig up the ones that are struggling, the water to these ones may not be penetrating the roots, also check the root system, it could be compacted, it’s what you can’t see that is the problem, by digging them up, checking everything, remove dead foliage, replant with a bit of fresh soil and water in with a mild solution of seasol you should be able to get them back looking healthy again.... best of luck.