
Need help with "unconconsented" room

2 years ago
last modified: 2 years ago

Hi, we are currently trying to sell our house that has had a room built that is not on LIM/drawings etc (we were aware of tis when we purchased the house 5 years ago). We had one potential sale fall through due to banks not wanting to lend due to this room, so we contacted a house inspection company who said we needed a 3rd party report and have it added to our property record. We went ahead with this and the report found that "this alteration work predated the implementation the 1991 Building Act and therefore a Third-Party Report (or old Safe & Sanitary report) is sufficient to deal with this unrecorded building work. " and the work done is "safe and sanitary". The also updated the drawings to include the modifications.

Thinking we had solved the issue we have just had another bank reject lending due to this room.

The council also attached a letter to our property record stating "Council is not obliged to hold such information on file but if it does so, you should be aware that Council’s actions in no way authorise, or give approval of, the work undertaken without consents under the Building Act 2004 or preceding regulation. Furthermore, Council has not inspected any of the work that is described in your application." Which makes it sound like the report is worthless.

Does anyone have any insight into what we can do to resolve this issue?
