Brown Verandah Design Ideas

Sunny Knoll - Watch Hill, RI
Sunny Knoll - Watch Hill, RI
Michael McKinley and Associates, LLCMichael McKinley and Associates, LLC
A sleeping porch in a new shingle style residence in Watch Hill, RI. Pulley style awning windows open onto the porch from an adjacent bedroom. A wood burning fireplace provides heat on cool evenings. Sleeping porches were common a century ago before the advent of air conditioning. They are gaining in popularity as homeowners seek sustainable design features such as windows open rather than air conditioning on. PhotoL: Warren Jagger
Best of Houzz 2025: The results are in!
Flat and Shed Roof Porticos
Flat and Shed Roof Porticos
Georgia Front PorchGeorgia Front Porch
Traditional 2 column shed roof portico with curved railing. Designed and built by Georgia Front Porch.
Herston Queenslander
Herston Queenslander
New Leaf Property StylingNew Leaf Property Styling
Styling of the veranda to sell this lovely inner city Queenslander in Brisbane
2018 Artisan Home Tour
2018 Artisan Home Tour
Housing First MinnesotaHousing First Minnesota
2018 Artisan Home Tour Photo: LandMark Photography Builder: John Kraemer & Sons

Brown Verandah Design Ideas