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Douglas Johnson PhotographyDouglas Johnson Photography
Douglas Johnson Photography Talon Architects
Midcentury • UWS 100s
Midcentury • UWS 100s
Off of the dining room is a lounging area. A perfect spot for a little TV, or reading, or homework. Photos: Brittany Ambridge
Living Spaces
Living Spaces
Clean DesignClean Design
Donna Dotan Photography Inc.
Wordly in Los Altos
Wordly in Los Altos
Peruri Design CompanyPeruri Design Company
Designed by Sindhu Peruri of Peruri Design Co. Woodside, CA Photography by Eric Roth
Basement Oasis Remodel
Basement Oasis Remodel
Doylestown BuildersDoylestown Builders
Photography Credit: Jody Robinson, Photo Designs by Jody

Gallery Wall Ideas & Photos

Hillside Toronto
Hillside Toronto
McNicol Interior DesignsMcNicol Interior Designs
framed wall art, gallery wall, chrome fixtures, frameless mirror, sconces mounted on mirror, statuario marble,