
Help with floorplan

8 months ago

Hi there, I need some help with the floor plan of a house I've just bought to live in.

My major doubt is if I should keep the dining room where it is or if I should use that space for something else.

Option 1: Leave everything where it is.

Option 2: Move the Dining room where the Sun room is and use the dining room for something else.

Option 3: Move the living room where the sunroom is, the dining room where the living room is and use the dining room for something else

Option 4: Change the floor plan more drastically. Opened to suggestions

Leaving as it is I would have 1 more room but a smallish dining room

Moving the dining room I would louse a room as I wouldn't really know what to do with that section.

I should say it's my partner and myself with a baby girl on the way.

I would also like to make the kitchen bigger but I can't find a way beside moving the bathroom door to the other wall which would give me a slightly bigger kitchen benchtop.

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