
Dense mature tree cover caused heavy shade and a lot of autumn leaf-raking. At the curb, passengers alighting had to step on bare, sometimes muddy ground. To make way for some understory foliage and to accommodate the easing of leaf pick-up, i proposed to have planted pots, to give a sculptural focal point and keeping the ground free of leaf-trapping cover plants. Mica slate stone pieces were set on a base of 1/4"-10 clean, crushed gravel and the joints were grouted to make the surface finish sanitary. The happy client commented that the irregular edge was evocative of the silhouette of the city skyline. Solution here is a practical, beautiful and welcoming best-foot-forward for this home. Other plants possibilities in this very shaded, adverse situation would be Aspidistra, Euphorbia amygdaloides 'Robbiae', Buxus, Polystichum selection ferns, Asarum, Beesia, Mahonia repens, Vaccinium ovata, Epimedium, Saxafraga, Reineckia carnea and Vinca major. Client's choice, Pittosporum 'Golf Ball', will be on probation here, as the shade may too dense. photo by Steve Carruthers