Ugly Brick Wall gets a Facelift

We are often asked whether there are any limits to the Vistafolia system, and the answer is simple: the functions of our green walls are limited only by your imagination. Whether indoor or outdoor, residential or commercial, large or small, every space can benefit from our products. In some cases, we get the opportunity to combine large and small spaces on the same project. This is a great example of such a project, with them wanting to beautify a section of bland walling that was a little ugly to the eye, while requiring a practical solution that would deter any would-be trespassers. For the large wall, we adorned it with our luxurious green panels, customized with exciting bursts of lavender. In no time at all, the client went from having unsightly brickwork, to a maintenance free, lush green ribbon of planting befitting of any environment.