Red Stag Gates and Fences

Red Stag Gates and Fences

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About Us

Superior quality custom designed gates and decorative metalwork in aluminium, mild steel and wrought iron

Services Provided

Automatic Gate Installation, Driveway Gate Installation, Fence Installation, Fence Sales, Gate Installation, Gate Repair, Gate Sales, Wrought Iron Fence Installation, Wrought Iron Fence Repair, Aluminum Fence Installation, Aluminum Fence Repair, Dog Run Construction, Pool Fencing

Areas Served

Auckland, Waikato, Bay of Plenty

Professional Information

0800 242 837

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Business Details

Business Name

Red Stag Gates and Fences

Phone Number

09 250 0297


24c Morrin Road
St Johns
New Zealand

Typical Job Cost

$1,000 - $200,000


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