Asian Dining Room Design Ideas with Plywood Floors

Glass Copper LED Pendant Lights Project | Dining and Kitchen | Thailand
Glass Copper LED Pendant Lights Project | Dining and Kitchen | Thailand
This project is a customer case located in Chiang Mai, Thailand. The client's residence is a 100-square-meter house. The client and their family embarked on an entrepreneurial journey in Chiang Mai three years ago and settled down there. As wanderers far from their homeland, they hold a deep longing for their roots. This sentiment inspired the client's desire to infuse their home with a tropical vacation vibe. The overall theme of the client's home is a blend of South Asian and retro styles with a touch of French influence. The extensive use of earthy tones coupled with vintage green hues creates a nostalgic atmosphere. Rich coffee-colored hardwood flooring complements the dark walnut and rattan furnishings, enveloping the entire space in a South Asian retro charm that exudes a strong Southeast Asian aesthetic. The client particularly wanted to select a retro-style lighting fixture for the dining area. Based on the dining room's overall theme, we recommended this vintage green glass pendant lamp with lace detailing. When the client received the products, they expressed that the lighting fixtures perfectly matched their vision. The client was extremely satisfied with the outcome. I'm sharing this case with everyone in the hopes of providing inspiration and ideas for your own interior decoration projects.
世田谷の閑静な住宅街に光庭を持つ木造3階建の母と娘家族の二世帯住宅です。隣家に囲まれているため、接道する北側に光と風を導く奥に深い庭(光庭)を設けました。その庭を巡るようにそれぞれの住居を配置し、大きな窓を通して互いの気配が感じられる住まいとしました。光庭を開くことでまちとつながり、共有することで家族を結ぶ長屋の計画です。 敷地は北側以外隣家に囲まれているため、建蔽率60%の余剰を北側中央に道へ繋がる奥行5mの光庭に集中させ、光庭を巡るように2つの家族のリビングやテラスを大きな開口と共に配置しました。1階は母、2~3階は娘家族としてそれぞれが独立性を保ちつつ風や光を共有しながら木々越しに互いを見守る構成です。奥に深い光庭は延焼ラインから外れ、曲面硝子や木アルミ複合サッシを用いながら柔らかい内部空間の広がりをつくります。木のぬくもりを感じる空間にするため、光庭を活かして隣地の開口制限を重視した準延焼防止建築物として空間を圧迫せず木架構の現しや木製階段を可能にしました。陽の光の角度と外壁の斜貼りタイルは呼応し、季節の移り変わりを知らせてくれます。曲面を構成する砂状塗装は自然の岩肌のような表情に。お施主様のお母様は紙で作るペーパーフラワーアート教室を定期的に開き、1階は光庭に面してギャラリーのように使われ、光庭はまちの顔となり小美術館のような佇まいとなった。
株式会社 Life Style株式会社 Life Style
Glass Copper LED Pendant Lights Project | Dining and Kitchen | Thailand
Glass Copper LED Pendant Lights Project | Dining and Kitchen | Thailand
This project is a customer case located in Chiang Mai, Thailand. The client's residence is a 100-square-meter house. The client and their family embarked on an entrepreneurial journey in Chiang Mai three years ago and settled down there. As wanderers far from their homeland, they hold a deep longing for their roots. This sentiment inspired the client's desire to infuse their home with a tropical vacation vibe. The overall theme of the client's home is a blend of South Asian and retro styles with a touch of French influence. The extensive use of earthy tones coupled with vintage green hues creates a nostalgic atmosphere. Rich coffee-colored hardwood flooring complements the dark walnut and rattan furnishings, enveloping the entire space in a South Asian retro charm that exudes a strong Southeast Asian aesthetic. The client particularly wanted to select a retro-style lighting fixture for the dining area. Based on the dining room's overall theme, we recommended this vintage green glass pendant lamp with lace detailing. When the client received the products, they expressed that the lighting fixtures perfectly matched their vision. The client was extremely satisfied with the outcome. I'm sharing this case with everyone in the hopes of providing inspiration and ideas for your own interior decoration projects.
株式会社 やなぎさわ建築設計室株式会社 やなぎさわ建築設計室
隣地の桜の木を額縁のように切り取る窓。 ダイニングの上部は吹き抜けになっており、トップライトから柔らかい光が降り注ぐ。
キッチンから食堂越しに中庭を観る夕景 照明は大人のリゾートの感じとなるように 落ち着いた雰囲気を出せるように計画います
ダイニングキッチンは天井が高く明るいスペースに。リビングとはカウンターで仕切っています。 Photo by Nao Takahashi

Asian Dining Room Design Ideas with Plywood Floors