Traditional Entryway Design Ideas with a Green Front Door

Валерия ТолмачеваВалерия Толмачева
Прихожая достаточно обьемная, но ранее она была темной, по техническому заданию «склеп» - так ее назвала заказчица, нужно было сделать просторнее и светлее. Для реализации запроса я выбрала нейтральный бежевый цвет стен, и зеркальные фамады шкафа для того, чтобы обьем и свет увеличился двукратно. Использование зеркал для этого - классический прием. Так же по просьбе заказуицы изюминку в монохромную прихожую добавили контрастная входная дверь благородно-зеленого цвета и композиция из консоли и настенного зеркала.
Endulus Cement Tiles by Karoistanbul
Endulus Cement Tiles by Karoistanbul
The Karoistanbul tiles are entirely handmade and natural. They are composed of white marble powder, high quality cement, marble or granite granulates natural colorants and pure silica sand, under a high pressure. The encaustic process employed in their creation has rendered these tiles extremely durable and long lasting. They can be used on the walls and floors, on interior or exterior surfaces. Users have the opportunity to choose the color of the tiles from the color range.
Victorian front door
Victorian front door
Victorian Front Door LTDVictorian Front Door LTD
Observe the splendid Georgian front door, featuring detailed vertical panels and a clear glass fanlight. This artfully crafted London front door shines with refined simplicity amidst opulent settings, supported by a complete lock system. At Victorian Front Door Company, our designers focus intently on each element, creating a London door that elevates your home's aesthetic charm while addressing practical needs. This refined lock setup ensures both safety and peace of mind.
The painting project at The Royal Dublin Golf Club
The painting project at The Royal Dublin Golf Club
Milltown Painting LimitedMilltown Painting Limited
Entrance and Administration Area: The main entrance area, marked by 'Administration', has a welcoming aesthetic with its green doors and white surrounding structure. The crest above the entrance is a focal point, drawing attention to the club's heritage and prestige.

Traditional Entryway Design Ideas with a Green Front Door