Furniture & Home Decor Retailers in Judgeford, Wellington

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35 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Furniture & Home Decor Retailers in Judgeford, Wellington

Chart Noticeboards
Furniture & Home Decor Retailers in Judgeford, Wellington
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars8 November 2016
“I've used Chart Noticeboards on a number of projects for clients, Sarah and her team are fantastic to work with. Their standard colour palette is great and if it's not quite right for our colour scheme a custom board can be made to coordinate perfectly, this just gives my projects the edge to create a polished finish where every detail is thought through. Chart Noticeboards are continually adding to their product offering, making it easy to continue to recommend their products to clients who's style preferences are quite different to each other. The quality is second to none and the price is affordable for most. It's an innovative idea that hits the mark - stylish, affordable and functional.”
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