Cabinet Refacing Services in Manurewa, Auckland

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26 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Cabinet Refacing Services in Manurewa, Auckland

Royale Kitchens Ltd
Cabinet Refacing Services in Manurewa, Auckland
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars21 January 2016
“I have worked with Royale Kitchens photographing a few projects and have found their work to be of a very high standard and and was very impressed with the range of work and attention to detail both in design and build quality..”
Cabinet Refacing Services in Manurewa, Auckland
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars7 April 2020
“Efficient delivery of project, no surprise variations of cost at the end of the project, very professional company, finishing is excellent. The project was executed within the time frame given and within the budget. I have been living for a year and my family and I are very satisfied and happy.”
Real Interior NZ
Cabinet Refacing Services in Manurewa, Auckland
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars11 June 2015
“I was absolutely delighted with the service and quality of the kitchen that Kitchens on Eden created for us. Their creativity and professionalism throughout the entire process was faultless. Even when we made modifications due to building complications, they were always prepared to accommodate our requirements with minimum fuss and maximum practicality. Deadlines were always met and the agreed budget was not exceeded. We now have an absolutely STUNNING designer kitchen that has transformed our house. Thank you Kitchens On Eden!”
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