
How can I fix my wonky plumeria?

Mel C
3 years ago

We had a beautiful big canopy on our franjipani and the authorities made us cut off basically the whole back half as was too close to pool fence for regulations. I can't do anything about the base as it needs to be this far from the fence, but is there any way to make it appear normal again? On the plus side the canopy has grown too tall to see the flowers from inside, so could do a chop but am so nervous to ruin it. Do I take some main branches off the front, or just lop the whole top off evenly and hope for the best?? We had an arborist out who just said it will eventually look even again but that was 2years ago.
Please disregard the cutting at the back, just one of the branches I haven't worked out where to put yet so is temporarily in a pot using the pool fence for stability (and so Xmas lights look more even haha!)

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