
Interior design studio transformation

2 years ago
last modified: 2 years ago

This personal project had been a thought for some time, and over the Christmas break, we decided to tackle it and create an inspiring studio/office space.

The original room consisted of a narrow desk and high shelves with a single bed and a double wardrobe.

We still wanted to keep a vast amount of hidden storage for samples, the printer, and other office miscellaneous items. To deal with the weight, particularly stone/tile samples, it was in our best interest to re-enforced shelves that were in the wardrobe.



Interior Design Studio · More Info

I chose a large desk as I use a laptop on a stand with a separate keyboard and mouse, a common setup now that needs more depth. Then I carry the laptop out to the kitchen to watch videos in the evening while I'm cooking and other family members use the room for Zoom meetings or their own study. It's actually a hot desk situation! The large pinboard and console allow me to change up the artwork and images regularly to keep inspiration fresh, this was crucial for me as we can't travel and network as much as usual right now.



Interior Design Studio · More Info


Interior Design Studio · More Info

Interior Design Studio · More Info

Interior Design Studio · More Info

This current artwork is a DIY I did, inspired by the latest textural artworks that are on-trend right now. I reused an old canvas painting and painted it with a stunning earthy stone colour, which was just a sample pot from Bunnings.



Interior Design Studio · More Info

Check out the entire project here!

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