Michelle Canny Interiors
Michelle Canny Interiors
Average rating: 4.9 out of 5 stars21 ReviewsView Profile

Contemporary Coastal Home

The client’s vision was to modernise their holiday home to bring a contemporary coastal look and feel to the entire house so that it might be enjoyed by their family and others looking for a sea side escape. The exisiting home was in need of an update as the dark walls, heavy curtains and stark white tiled floors made the home feel cold and clinical. To create a fresh and modern feel a neutral colour palette was introduced. The walls were painted in Dulux Quarter Lexicon and new natural coloured sheer curtains and block outs blinds were installed to soften the space. All new furniture and decor was purchased for the home, using materials and colours that tied in with the style such as timber, rattan, jute and linen to create a relaxed and welcoming environment. The end result is a relaxing and modern coastal retreat that reflects their interior style and the beach side location of the home.