
Help me plan my first investment reno!!!!

3 years ago

We bought a house in Brisbane 2 years ago, a fixer upper, with the intention to renovate..... fast forward two years and nothing has been done. I’ve definitely got a bad case of analysis paralysis! Anyways fast forward to now, I’ve secured an extra 25k on the investment loan to do renovations.

Stats are:
-Double story solid brick 3 bed 2 bath 2 car garage in a great spot in Bray Park North Brisbane purchased Sep 2019 for 445k
-Built 1970 in original condition
-Currently tenanted for 395 per week
-beautiful original hardwood floor covered by Lino, tile and carpet
-walls a mixture of green, pink and yellows

  • downstairs deemed not habitable due to 2350mm height (builder said there is 200mm between ceiling and bottom of floor so we are able to raise to legal height and make habitable and build in rooms/bedrooms)

I would love some advice and suggestions on how best to spend the 25k to get a maximum return on investment for both rent and capital growth.

I have seen some amazing suggestions and advice on here so I’m hoping someone is willing to put their two cents in!

Please find link for extra photos:

47 Viscount Street, Bray Park, Qld 4500

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