
Would you DIY hang venetians & roller blinds?

8 years ago
We're a few weeks off finishing a beautiful new house. Time to sort out the windows, of course with no mature garden everything is a bit more exposed than I'd imagined, and a couple of roller blinds on the bedroom windows just isn't going to cut it!
We've got a quote for some roller blinds for the living areas and venetians for the bedrooms (happy with the light vs privacy as we currently have bedrooms with venetians), it's close to $4000 for 14 different windows.
A lot of the windows are louvres, but all windows are standard sizes.
It's a beautiful home, architect designed, but I'm wondering whether this is a task that can be done more economically?
My husband is reluctant to DIY as he worries that things may not fit right or not be level etc. I'm wondering if we can buy satisfactory products from Spotlight, even if we pay one of the builders cash hourly to hang them for us...
Thoughts please!

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