
Help with kitchen layout

7 months ago

Hello, We're redoing our kitchen this year and I'm looking for help with layout ideas.
The house is a 120 year old villa with the kitchen/bathroom area a slightly later addition. Ceiling in original area 3.6m, kitchen area 2.7m - all on stumps so moving plumbing not a major. Below is a real estate plan showing current layout and what I've wondered about doing but be glad to hear any other thoughts! Thinking to move the toilet room to under the stairs and use the existing toilet space for a walk through pantry. Knocking out the wall between kitchen and conservatory will need steel beams/engineers drawings as it is load bearing but I think it will be worth it in the long run.
We don't want to extend the house- more than big enough already! Currently only two of us with possibly children in the future but we entertain large groups regularly so need a large kitchen area.
North is to the right if the plan - kitchen window faces west.
Be glad of any ideas and suggestions!

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