
Furniture and decor shopping in the UK?

Lo Blattner
7 years ago

Hi all,

I've been browsing, collecting, bookmarking furniture and interior design pieces for years - now that I have a flat to decorate and it's actually about buying stuff and not just dreamily gazing at it, I have found that my options in the UK are limited. It seems that in the US and Australia there is a wider range of styles and wallets catered for - anyone have that same impression? Whenever I like a product online or in magazines and track down the source it's from a US shop/manufacturer. In the UK I feel that, if you don't like IKEA and can't afford top end, your options are very limited. I have a list of 68 interior shops in the UK, a majority of them sell similar or the same products and those that are a bit more out there and refreshing are incredibly expensive. What are your favourite decor or furniture stores in the UK (online or offline)?


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