
Kitchen Cabinets

After successfully getting two different distributors to quote identical cabinet layouts, I'm now thinking through our next obstacle. (getting a comparison quote without paying a non refundable deposit was indeed an obstacle!). The next one I can use some help on.

What percentage of the total cost of the cabinets should I agree to pay at the time of order. The cabinets are from a large national manufacturer. Already I see distributors asking for 100%. I would ask for this too, but I can't see any justifiable reason to put down 100%. What if they deliver them in pink? (not there is anything wrong with pink). What if the expected delivery date is missed by months? There is no leverage if they are paid in full.

The question is what percentage to put down on order is reasonable, and what percentage does someone think you should at least ask for. I'm inclined to think 50% down, and 50% on delivery. Generally, I could see putting down an amount that covers the manufactures cost, but do not know what that is. I should think the distributor has no cost, but I'm sure they want some of the deposit.

This is only the 2nd time I'm re-doing a kitchen, and the first time, though it was successful, we were young and dumb and took too much for granted. Any help is much appreciated.


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