
2024 Design Trends: What's In and What's Out?

2024 Design Trends: What's In and What's Out?

What's In:

Practical Floor Plans: 2024 marks the rise of practical, functional layouts that prioritize human experience over aesthetics. Spaces that allow for easy movement, multifunctionality, and adaptability are becoming increasingly popular.

Sustainable Design: With an increased emphasis on environmental responsibility, sustainable architectural features such as solar panels, rainwater collection systems, and natural, eco-friendly materials are trending.

Quality over Quantity: This year, we see a shift towards smaller, high-quality, well-designed spaces. The importance is on the quality of the design and materials, rather than the size of the space.

What's Out:

Form Over Function: Designs that prioritize appearance over practicality are on their way out. Instead, architecture that serves its intended purpose without compromising on aesthetics is in demand.

Walk-in Wardrobes: While once a symbol of luxury, walk-in wardrobes are being replaced by more space-efficient storage solutions such as built-in wardrobes and multi-use furniture.

Downlights: Recessed downlights are being replaced by more sustainable and design-forward lighting solutions, such as LED strip lighting and pendant lights.

Unprotected Windows and Skylights: Windows and skylights without adequate insulation or shading are no longer trendy due to their negative impact on a home's energy efficiency. Instead, windows and skylights with double glazing and efficient shading solutions are on the rise.

Remember, the most important factor in any design is that it serves your lifestyle and brings you joy. Reach out to us for a free consultation to discuss your dream home design for 2024!

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