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Totoro’s Pool — Circular Elegance
Totoro’s Pool — Circular Elegance
Walless ArchitectureWalless Architecture
A lush garden pathway continues the curves, leading to a circular outdoor amenity at the far end. It comprises a half-circle mirror, a free-standing cylinder basin, a globe wall light, and an arched door. The outdoor amenity was intentionally designed to be open, with screening from climbing plants on steel wires and timber posts, with potentially a translucent fabric in the future, to create a more cost-efficient yet utilitarian space by eliminating the need for walls.
Going beachside in sunny Perth
Going beachside in sunny Perth
James Dunlop TextilesJames Dunlop Textiles
Products used: Sheer curtains by Window Studio in Laconia Air by James Dunlop Wallpaper in La Palma Wallpaper by Catherine Martin by Mokum
apaiser Haven Bath with custom base
apaiser Haven Bath with custom base
An alfresco bathing area takes relaxation to a deeper level — it's about immersing yourself in an intimate environment that is connected to nature. This beautiful, lust worthy outdoor sanctuary features our Haven bath with custom base and views over Rangitoto Island, New Zealand. The perfect place to indulge the senses. Photography by Simon Devitt
Residential Landscape Projects
Residential Landscape Projects
Landscape Images LtdLandscape Images Ltd
the bamboo is a clumping variety called Bambusa eutuldoides viridi-vittata , Asian lemon bamboo. This variety is a clumper and you do not need to contain it, however, do allow an 8'by 10' area for its ultimate growth. Bamboo does require constant maintenance and you will need to do some research for the specific variety you choose. Once planted, it will become a beautiful focal point and add a stunning tropical accent. Photo Credit: Sherwood Cox

148,416 Tropical Home Design Photos